If you have a list of opportunities in an excel file (.csv or .xls format) and if you would like to upload the report by email, now you will be able to do it by sending an email to opportunity@import.gopronto.io. Once the email is sent, when you login to Pronto, you will be able to see the Opportunity report uploaded by navigating to Sales - Opportunities.
This article outlines a series of steps to do the following:
Upload a list of opportunities for a relationship via email
- An excel file in .csv or .xls format
Steps to upload a Opportunity report via email
- Open your email application and compose a new mail.
- In the 'To field' enter the email address opportunity@import.gopronto.io
- For the Subject mention the Relationship name to which you want this report to be uploaded to.
To make sure that the report is uploaded to the specified relationship, use these column names in the report.
Column names
- Source Record ID
- name (Opportunity name)
- stage_name (Opportunity stage)
- total_deal_size (Total opportunity deal size)
- closed_dt (Opportunity close date)
- account_owner_email (Optional)
- account_name (Account to which the Opportunity is associated with)
- account_type_name (Optional)
- generated_by_name (Optional) (Opportunity created by)
Note:Source Record ID column is a must: This is to avoid duplicate data getting generated while updating any existing data record.
Source Record IDs of the files should be unique: This is to avoid data records getting replaced with new data due to the same Source record id.
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