Pronto’s Marketplace provides a centralized view to all the joint solutions developed by the Lead and the Partner company. This enables a one-click approach to publish a solution for sales enablement as well as auto-discovery of the solution by prospective customers. You can now use the platform to develop the joint solution and then publish the solution to other stakeholders. The published solution can be viewed within the platform as well as outside the platform using the iframe URL.
This article outlines a series of steps to do the following
- Marketplace Extended Customization
- Look & feel
- General
- Solution configuration
- Partner directory (if enabled)
Marketplace Basic Configuration
- Only Pronto Admins have the ability to create a Marketplace.
- Only OPS team members are listed as approvers
How to create and publish a new Marketplace?
In order to get started, it is essential that you create at least one Marketplace, which is essentially a compilation of solutions that are added on Pronto and subsequently published to Marketplace. A basic configuration can be setup quick and easily.
- Login to Pronto with your admin credentials and click on the Marketplace icon on the left main navigation and click on [Configuration].
- Click the Add Marketplace button on the top right to define a new Marketplace.
Marketplace Summary
- Provide a Marketplace name and a Description for the new Marketplace.
- Toggle the switch to enable Partner directory to your Marketplace.
Note: The Description cannot exceed 300 characters.
Marketplace Extended Customization
After you have setup your basic Marketplace you can customize Pronto to suit your specific needs through Extended customization options.
Look & Feel
Marketplace Favicon
- To replace the Favicon click on Replace under Marketplace favicon. You can upload an image of your choice to be the Favicon.
Note: Suggested width and height for Favicon is 32 pixels.
Maximum file size upto 500kb.

Marketplace logo
- To replace Marketplace logo, click on Upload and select file (max upto 2MB). This logo will be shown as the header image.
Marketplace Background image
- To replace the background image, click on Replace under Marketplace background image. This will be the background image for your Marketplace home page.
Note: Maximum file size upto 2MB.
Marketplace color customization
- You can also customize the colours for the Filter background and the Footer background. Under Marketplace color customization, click on the colour box and choose the required colour or you could specify the Hex code and set the colours.
Enable large solution card
- Toggle the enable switch to enable larger solution cards on Marketplace homepage.
Custom domain configuration
- You also have the ability to configure a custom domain for customers to easily access the Marketplace. You can map one of your own domain names to Pronto.
For example instead of, you will be able to set the domain to marketplace.{yourcompanyname}.io
Footer configuration
- You can add upto 3 custom links and the copyright text to display in the footer. Toggle the switch for Footer configuration. You can add the Custom text link and the Custom link url in the fields provided below. In the Copyright text field, you can add the copyright text to be displayed as footer.
Solution configuration
Solution carousel configuration
- Now you have the ability to set a carousel image on the Marketplace. You can configure a maximum of 3 slides for the carousel.
When you toggle the switch for Solution carousel configuration, enter the Slide description and select the Slide background image. You may also define the Button text and the Button redirect link if you wish to direct customers to a specific webpage when they click on the slide.
Solution Fields
- Under Solution fields the "Product Author" and the "Category" are displayed by default. If you wish to add more fields, you can add custom fields by clicking on the "Add button"
Solution Details
- Under Solution details, you will be able to select the information you want to show on the solution card.
If you check the box Show certification, you can define a Label Text and also upload the Certification Icon.
Lead generation
- If you want to enable "Lead generation", you can toggle the radio button on and you will see the fields listed to gather from prospects. To add more values, navigate to Settings - Custom values and you will be able to add more fields to capture Lead data.
Solution Installation
- If you want to enable to option for the customer to download or install the solution, toggle the switch for Solution installation.
Approval configuration
- If you wish to add Approvers for the solutions to be published/unpublished from this specific Marketplace, toggle the switch for Approval configuration.
Everytime a new solution is added to this Marketplace and ready to be published, an email will be triggered to the selected Approver/s. Once approved, the solution is published to Marketplace and will be visible to customers. -
Once all the fields are defined for the new Marketplace, click on "Publish" for the Marketplace to be published.
Incorporate the Marketplace into your corporate website
To incorporate the Marketplace into your corporate website, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Marketplace card
- Click on "Copy Link" to obtain the embed link
- Paste the embed link into your corporate website to integrate the Marketplace.
Additionally, you can use the same link to access your Marketplace and preview its appearance and functionality.
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