This article outlines a series of steps to do the following:
- Only users with Administrator privileges have access to view and configure Pronto tenant.
Add/Edit Company address
- Login to Pronto with your admin credentials and click on the Settings icon on the left main navigation as shown in the screenshot below.
- You will be navigated to the Settings > General page.
Note: You cannot change the Company name associated with your tenant. Should you wish to modify the company name, please contact Pronto support.
- To update the Company address, click on the Edit link next to the Company address heading.
- Make changes as required and click on the Save button.
Update Fiscal year
- On the Settings > General page, under the Fiscal year section, click on the Edit link.
- Select the starting month of your Fiscal year in the Fiscal year start month dropdown.
- Provide a prefix for how you want the fiscal year to show up. Most customer use "FY" as a prefix to denote the fiscal year.
- The field Fiscal year enables you to select how your fiscal year will be configured.
(E.g. Fiscal year start month is February and End month is January. If you select the Fiscal year value to be The end month then your fiscal year will show up as FY2022. If you select the Fiscal year is based on value to be The start month then your fiscal year will show up as FY2021) - The changes that you make whether in Fiscal year start month, or in Prefix for unit, you can see the changes in real time, in Result.
- Review the result and click on Save to confirm your Fiscal year configuration.
Note: Pronto follows the Gregorian calendar and will automatically select the ending month to be 12 months from the start month. The Fiscal year end month is not editable.
Add/Update Domains
At Pronto, we take security very seriously. To ensure that only users from your organisation access Pronto, you will need to configure the domain(s) of your company. By doing this only users from your company will be invited to the tenant.
- On the Settings > General page, under the Domains section, click on the Add link.
- Provide your Domain name in the text box and click on the blue check mark.
Caution: Please do not add www., https://, http:// etc., before your domain names. You can find the domain name of your company by looking at your email address. (E.g. If your email address is, your domain will be Also note that if your company uses sub-domains, you will need to configure all sub-domain from which you want to invite users.
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