This article outlines a series of steps to do the following:
Add a new Ecosystem Relationship
Edit Lead Company details
Add Participant company details
Add Domain
Invite Members
- Complete registration process to login.
Add a new Ecosystem Relationship
- Login to Pronto with the Email and Password provided to you by Pronto or by your Company admin.
- On the Ecosystem page, click on the Add Relationship button on the top right of the screen as shown in the screenshot below.
- On the Add Relationship window,
a) Define the Relationship name
b) Select the Relationship type
c) Select the current Stage of the Relationship.
d) Click on Save and Continue. - You will be redirected to the About page. On the About page, under the Basic details section, select the Priority of the Relationship and define the Vision and the Goals & Objectives.
Select the Programs involved with this relationship and click on Save. You can also upload the Relationship Logo in PNG or JPG format (max up to 5MB) - Click on Save once all the details are entered.
Edit Lead Company details
- Click on the Companies tab on the left sub-navigation to enter the Partner company details, address, add domain name and the Executive Sponsor for both the lead and the partner company.
- On the Companies page, click on Edit next to Company name under Lead company details to specify a domain* name and you can also add the Executive sponsor for this relationship by clicking the button +Add Executive sponsor.
*Note: Make sure the domain is specified for both Lead company and the Participant company. This makes sure that the domain is whitelisted to access Pronto so that when the Lead company sends an invite to a user to access Pronto, they are able complete the registration process and login to Pronto to manage the Ecosystem relationship.
Add Domain
- Click on Add to add a domain if your company has multiple domains and check the box Select all to select all the added domains.
Add Participant company details
- To define the Participant Company details click on +Add Participant company located under the Lead company details section as shown below.
- Enter the details of the Participant Company. Specify the Company name, enter Address, specify the Domain*, add the Executive sponsors and click on Save.
Domain* - For the domain names exclude "http://", "https://", or "www.". For instance, if your company's domain is "", simply enter "" and click "Add". - Once the information is saved, you will see the complete details of the Lead company and the Participant company.
Invite Members
- Click on the Members tab on the left sub-navigation as shown below.
- If the relationship is created new, you will find your name and the member who is a part of the Ops team in the members section. Click on the Add member button on the top right of the screen to add new members to the relationship.
- On the Add member(s) pop-up window
a) Enter the email address of the person whom you would like to invite to Pronto.
b) Select the Role of the user.
Note: If you want to user to be an Admin for the relationship, select the role as Admin for the user to get complete access to the Relationship and the Configuration section to make the necessary changes when needed.
If you select the user role as Collaborator, the user will not have access to the Configuration section of the relationship and the user will not be able to edit or delete data in the relationship.
c) Check the check-box under Notify so that the user gets an email from Pronto to complete the registration for the user to login.
d) Click on Save.
e) If you have multiple users associated with this relationship, you can click on the link Add member and provide the email addresses of whom you would like to give access to Pronto. - Once you click on Save, you will see the email address of the person invited and the selected user role. Once the user completes the registration on Pronto, the user will be able to login and you will be able to see the name in the first and the last name column which indicates that the user has completed the registration.
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